Our Wills and Probate Department will assist with Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney and Estate Administration.
One of the most common misconceptions is that on the death of one party their estate will automatically pass to the surviving partner. This result cannot, however, be guaranteed if the deceased left no will. Making a will is much easier and less costly than is commonly believed. A correctly drawn will can save many thousands of pounds and considerable heartache for the bereaved. These days more and more people have second families and it is absolutely vital that a deceased's wishes are clearly and unequivocally stated. This can only be guaranteed by drawing up a professionally prepared will. We will help you through the process of making your Will and are happy to discuss the various options with you, so that your will is right for your own particular situation.
We offer a sympathetic and supportive service to clients at a very difficult time. We will explain the procedure for dealing with an estate, assess whether or not a Grant of Representation is needed and give you clear and helpful advice. We are happy to assist as much or as little as you require to ensure the correct documents are prepared, the estate's assets protected and the administration is carried out as efficiently as possible. We will keep you regularly updated with progress and liaise fully with all interested parties so that matters can be finalised and the estate distributed amongst those legally entitled.
Lasting Powers of Attorney enables people to appoint third parties to deal with their financial affairs or personal welfare after they themselves lose the ability or inclination to manage their own affairs. The Lasting Power of Attorney must be registered with the Court of Protection before it can be used, and therefore it is vitally important that the power is prepared in accordance with the prescribed procedure. If you have the earlier Enduring Power of Attorney, this applies only to property and financial matters and need only be registered if the person who made it loses mental capacity.
Our Wills & Probate Department is run by Julie Cox who has many years experience in all aspects of Wills & Probate Law.
For a list of our fees and expected timescales for Wills & Probate work, please see this document, and please also see our Wills & Probate department Terms of Business.
For information relating to Wills and Probate please contact julie@alisonfielden.co.uk.
Please visit the factsheets page for more information on issues relating to Wills & Probate.